Tea in the service of health without disease

Healing is a characteristic of tea that has fueled its development since its discovery in China until today. Tea, for many the elixir of youth, health and beauty, has been used since ancient times due to its beneficial effect on the human body. It is used as an aid in the fight against various diseases, representing a healthy drink so that even today it is considered that teas are, in fact, the forerunner of medicines.

The strength and medicinal properties of tea lie in the concentration of substances that help protect the human body. Often, this amount of protective substances is not the result of the natural properties of tea, but rather the technological processing of its leaves.


“Tea originated as a medicine and grew into a drink”

Kakuzo Okakura, Japanese historian

It can be concluded that tea is as much a traditional as it is a modern drink. Tea culture is a component of the quality and healthy life of a modern man. All the beneficial properties of tea come to the fore in the “long run”, i.e. only through and after long-term consumption and, of course, only when they are supported by other forms of healthy living (proper nutrition and sports activities).
This claim is also proven by the boom in tea consumption in the world, which has increased threefold in the last 60 or so years.

The health of 5 human organs is strengthened by abundant consumption of 5 tastes, but since people only take 4 tastes (sour, hot, salty and sweet), and since the bitter taste, which is important for the heart, is not pleasant, it should be compensated with the bitter taste of tea .

Table – the beneficial effect of teas on the human body

Some of the functions of teas for health against disease


  • help to prevent diseases – to name a few: strengthens immunity by increasing the body’s resistance; has a beneficial effect on circulation/blood flow; helps prevent tumors; strengthens the body’s resistance to bacteria; has an antiviral effect on viruses that cause influenza and herpes; normalizes thyroid function; promotes healing of liver patients; protects against the accumulation of blood clots and anemia; it protects the brain and prevents degenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease; acts preventively against arteriosclerosis; relieves joint disorders as well as asthma symptoms; serves for the prevention of dental diseases; etc.
  • helps against elevated cholesterol – very useful in protecting the circulatory system (as protection against cardiovascular diseases-heart), help for high and low blood pressure…
  • from 3 to 5 cups of tea drunk daily can help protect you from heart attack or stroke. Regular tea drinking habits can reduce the accumulation of dangerous fats, cholesterol and nicotine.
  • accelerates the return of energy to the body
  • encourages concentration – improves ability to concentrate and alertness
  • it has diuretic properties – it stimulates the excretion of urine, and thus waste substances from the body, improves the functioning of the kidneys and the urinary tract in general.
  • helps to strengthen bones; in case of clarity of vision; has a positive effect on fertility
  • cleans the skin and makes it more elastic – protects the skin from the effects of UV radiation and promotes its renewal

100 grams of single tea from Split Tea House at available prices is enough for tea consumption for approximately 21 days/1L per day.

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